Our Business Program has Officially Launched!!!

This past week our CEO, Emily Hime, traveled to our facility in Haiti to implement our first Business Training Program alongside our Haitian staff.  We had 6 participants registered, many were single mothers struggling to care for their children.  After a lengthy discussion about each individuals situation, their main concern was sending their children to school and the rise in food prices across Haiti, leaving many of them hungry.

Emily was facinated to see the energy level and dedication from each participant.  Everyone engaged in meaningful discussions and shared ideas on how they would run their dream business.  It was empowering and inspirational to see people with such little have such big ideas and goals for themselves.. they have simply just been missing the resources to implement them.

On July 31st, all 6 participants graduated from our program and received micro-loans to cover their start up costs for a business.  We had businesses from selling vegetables on the street to Moto Taxi Business to opening up their very own restaurant.

Our youngest participant, Wilgo (21 years old), came to visit us the day after he graduated.  He was showing off the new moto he purchased with his micro loan to start his Moto Taxi Business.  Wilgo wants to work to save for an apartment and to return to trade school.  He was so eager to get going and it was amazing to see his enthusiasm!

We will be following the journey of these participants as they start and grow their businesses.  Our goal     is to empower these individuals and create more sustainable communities.

Our next Business Program will launch at the end of September and we already have a full class!